Bachelor of Business Administration in Management
Apply NowManagement studies pave the way for a whole lot of exciting careers in the business world, be it an administrator, sales manager, business strategist or entrepreneur. You will learn how businesses are born, grown and managed.
Programme Purpose
To develop management skills needed in the manufacturing, retail sector and service industry.
To produce competent managers with knowledge and practical skills in the areas of Management, Communication, IT, Marketing, Law, Entrepreneurship, Business Strategy and HR Management.
To equip you with the knowledge and business skills you will need to work in the private and public sector as a first-line and middle-level manager.
To train you with specialized knowledge and skills in various business functions such as marketing, HR, finance, production, management, strategic planning and employee relations management
To develop in you the skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur and contribute to the economy by job creation
Qualification Outcomes
You will have gained the following abilities, once you complete your degree:
- The managerial skills to work with a diverse workforce, plan, organize, lead and communicate in order to manage the organization effectively and efficiently
- The management of business operations and understand how these operations help you to execute the strategic plan of the organization
- Problem solving and day-to-day administrative decisions
- Building and coordinating teams to obtain their wilful cooperation
- The performing of business research to come up with practical solutions to business problems.
Degree Details
3 YEARS NQF Level 7
SAQA Qualification ID Number: 84806
Career opportunities
Successful graduates may be employed in public or private organizations with the potential to rise to middle or top management. This could lead you to become any of the following:
Project Manager
Production Supervisor
Customer Service Officer
Business Consultant
Sales Manager
Human Resources Manager
Once you have graduated from HCHE, you will be in a good position to do post- graduate studies in the following:
- Honours and Master’s Degrees in Business Management
- Master’s in Business Administration
Faculty of Business
Luzuko Mrwebo, Lecturer
Contract Lecturers
Madelyn Barnard-Smit
Contract Lecturer
Jocelyn Lawrence
Contract Lecturer
Mariè Heyns
Contract Lecturer
Erick Smit
Contract Lecturer
Lindani Moyo
Contract Lecturer
Regan Hamilton
Contract Lecturer
Warren Schulz
Contract Lecturer
Joy McKenzie
Contract Lecturer
Bachelor of Business Administration (Management)
ACC 151 Financial Accounting IA (16 credits) NQF 6
The module is designed to expose students to the purpose, theory and methods of accounting and to provide them with the techniques for capturing, organizing and reporting financial information with specific reference to the sole trader form of business organization. It will cover basic concepts in accounting, the accounting cycle, the content and preparation of basic financial statements for sole trader, inventories, receivables, payables and bank reconciliation, non-current assets and presentation and disclosure of financial statements. Students will be introduced to regulation and prescription pertaining to relevant legislation and International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as stipulated by the South Africa Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA).
MGT 141 Principles of Management (12 credits) NQF 6
A study of the principles of business management, including an analysis of business policies viewed from the standpoint of management process and current issues in management. Topics covered include: the evolution of management thought, business environment, management functions, organization design, strategic planning, managing change, team building, and managing business functions: production, marketing, finance, human resources, and information management.
CPT 033 Fundamental Computing I
The module provides students with the mastery of the alpha- numeric keyboard using MS Word, with an emphasis on controlled speed, the correct display of basic documents, and a speed objective of 25-30 words per minute. Computerized diagnostic tests identify individual weaknesses and levels of proficiency.
MTH 052 Foundation Mathematics I I (16 credits) NQF 5
This module provides a comprehensive study of basic mathematical skills and will provide a strong mathematical foundation in the application of mathematical concepts, in addition to serving as a basis for further studies in mathematics. Areas of focus include basic arithmetic (e.g. fractions, ratios, discounts, exponents); fundamental algebra (e.g. expressions, algebraic equations, inequalities, graphs); basic statistics (e.g. measures of central tendency, standard deviation, probability, data summary); and basic finance (simple & compound growth, foreign exchange rates). The module therefore focuses on a basic understanding of mathematics concepts.
REB 117 Values, Character & Personal Enrichment I (8 credits) NQF 5
This module focuses on the importance of values and character as essential ingredients of successful career and personal enrichment. In line with the mission of the institution to provide values-based education this module covers the values necessary in citizenship, workplace and in personal life. It also covers the values as outlined in the United Nations Charter, and the Christian worldview. The module further explores inward disciplines such as prayer and personal devotions; outward disciplines such as community engagement; and corporate disciplines such as stewardship of environment and abilities, and moral philosophy.
ACC 095 Basic Business Skills (12 credits) NQF 5
This module serves as an introduction to the business environment, that is, how to create, finance, market, and manage a business. It exposes the student to the basics of economic structures, international trade, entrepreneurship, securities, marketing concepts, management functions, human resources management, information technology, and operations management.
CPT 134 End User Computing IB
The module provides students with keyboarding techniques to master the keyboard by improving their speed and accuracy. The module also includes the use of basic word processing functions in typing paragraphs, memorandums, letters, papers, reports and advertisements.
Prerequisite: CPT 133 End User Computing IA
ACC 155 Business Accounting IA (16 credits) NQF 6
The module is designed for non-accounting majors and is not transferable for credit to an accounting degree. It exposes students to the purpose, theory and methods of accounting and to provide them with the techniques for capturing, organizing and reporting financial information with specific reference to the sole trader form of business organization. It will cover basic concepts in accounting, the accounting cycle, the content and preparation of basic financial statements for sole trader, inventories, receivables, payables and bank reconciliation, non-current assets and presentation and disclosure of financial statements.
CPT 118 End User Computing I (8 credits) NQF 5
This module develops mastery of both the alphabetic and numeric keyboarding on the computer by touch. Basic micro-computer skills will be presented. The emphasis is on accuracy and a minimum speed of 20 words a minute. Computerized diagnostic tests identify individual weaknesses and levels of proficiency. The module will introduce the basic functions of MS Word in typing simple documents.
ENG 142 Academic Writing (16 credits) NQF 6
This module introduces the student to a broad spectrum of aspects in English study. It aims to develop and provide the student with practice in various writing skills thereby enabling the student to write effectively in various academic disciplines. It promotes the use of critical thinking and serves to develop the skills of analysing, synthesizing summarizing and reading from a critical perspective.
MGT 141 Principles of Management (12 credits) NQF 6
A study of the principles of business management, including an analysis of business policies viewed from the standpoint of management process and current issues in management. Topics covered include: the evolution of management thought, business environment, management functions, organization design, strategic planning, managing change, team building, and managing business functions: production, marketing, finance, human resources, and information management.
REB 117 Values, Character & Personal Enrichment I (8 credits) NQF 5
This module focuses on the importance of values and character as essential ingredients of successful career and personal enrichment. In line with the mission of the institution to provide values-based education this module covers the values necessary in citizenship, workplace and in personal life. It also covers the values as outlined in the United Nations Charter, and the Christian worldview. The module further explores inward disciplines such as prayer and personal devotions; outward disciplines such as community engagement; and corporate disciplines such as stewardship of environment and abilities, and moral philosophy.
ENG 111 Principles of English I (16 credits) NQF 5
English 111 is designed to prepare you for the writing that you will do in other College modules. The module focuses on, amongst others, vocabulary, grammar which involves understanding the communication function of sentences, understanding relations between parts of texts, metaphorical expressions and other important grammatical concepts. It aims to equip you with knowledge, experience and skills necessary for the rigour of formal College writing. Therefore, the module includes exercises on structure and mechanics and instructions in the principles of composition.
MTH 049 Basic Mathematics I (16 credits) NQF 5
(Do this if matric maths below 50%)
This module provides a comprehensive study of basic mathematical skills, and will provide a strong mathematical foundation in the application of mathematical concepts and serve as a basis for further studies in mathematics. Topics include: fractions; ratio proportion; solving equations and inequalities; operations of polynomials; factorization; percentages; measurements and basic geometry; and creating and interpreting graphs. The module therefore focuses on a basic understanding of mathematics concepts.
ACC 156 Business Accounting IB (16 credits) NQF 6
This module is designed for non-accounting majors and is not transferable for credit to an accounting degree. It concentrates on the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and includes such topics as financial reporting, impairment of assets, provisions, contingent liabilities, financial instruments, joint ventures, goodwill, group accounting, accounting for manufacturing concerns, statements of cash flows, financial analysis, taxation. It introduces managerial accounting covering topics like the Cost-Volume-Profit analysis and relevant costing, budgeting and measurement of management performance.
Prerequisites: ACC 151 Financial ccounting IA, or ACC 155 Business Accounting IA
BHS 151 Philosophy of Education & Service (8 credits) NQF 5
This module explores the definition, nature and foundations of True Education and reflects upon issues that have deep significance for our lives as human beings. Traditional, modern and post-modern philosophies of education are examined and its influence and contribution to education at present are considered. The making of a world view is explored with regards to a Christian approach to philosophy and education. Included in this module is the rationale for community engagement, laying the foundation for students to actively participate in a service learning project in their local communities.
CPT 125 End User Computing II (12 credits) NQF 5
This module covers MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. It consists of useful exercises that can be applied in the office. Students are required to create, edit, and format of wide variety of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and databases that can range from being uncomplicated to thought-provoking in complexity. Content is presented in a practical way, and all assessments are practical. In MS Word, multi-page research papers, reports, tables, flyers and bulletins are some of the documents which will be created. Much emphasis will be placed on inserting and editing citations and their sources, footnotes, endnotes and bibliographical lists of sources. In MS Excel, numeric data will be entered edited and formatted. A wide range of formulas will be used to make simple to complex calculations. The appearance of the data will also be enhanced with the use of charts and tables. In MS PowerPoint, slide show presentations will be created and edited with the use of images, video clips and sound effects. A huge variety of objects, animations, and transitions will also be used to improve the delivery of presentations. In MS Access, databases will be created and edited, either from importing data from other sources, or from scratch. Records will be added to tables, where they will be queried, sorted and filtered. Reports and forms will be generated from data in the tables.
Prerequisite: CPT 134/CPT 118 End User Computing I
HLD 126 Principles of Health (8 credits) NQF 5
This module introduces health principles within the framework of the Scriptures, the Advent Health message and current medical practices. Principles of health will be examined in light of the students’ understanding of healthy lifestyle practices and how these principles may be integrated into individual lifestyles and applied within the greater environmental and social contexts.
LAW 116 Business Law I (12 credits) NQF 6
This module provides an introduction to commercial law. It includes an outline of the nature and the source of business law and its administration, and a detailed study of the law relating to contracts, purchase and sale, credit agreements, commercial agency, contracts of lease, and employment and partnership.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
MTH 122 Business Mathematics (12 credits) NQF 5
This module will provide an understanding of mathematical concepts and skills with an emphasis on commercial and financial mathematics. It provides a solid foundation for application in day-to-day business situations and for the further study of mathematics. Topics include: properties of whole and real numbers, basic operations, fractions, solving equations and inequalities, decimals, ratio and proportion, operations of polynomials, factorization, percentages, measurements and basic geometry, and creating and interpreting graphs. Furthermore, it will cover the mathematics of finance such as the time value of money, compound interest, annuities, sinking funds, the nature of counting such as the permutations and combinations nature of buying and selling markups and markdowns, and elementary notations of probability and statistics.
MTH 061 Fundamental Mathematics I (12 Credits) NQF 5
This module builds on a basic understanding of mathematics concepts as covered under the module Foundation Mathematics I by covering some of the same areas but at a more advanced level. The topics include exponents, equations, inequalities, functions, and measures of central tendency. In addition, it introduces students to new topics under the same areas such as simple & compound decay, present & future value, dependent and independent events; histograms and differential calculus.
Prerequisite: MTH 052 Foundation Mathematics I
ENG 112 Principles of English II (16 credits) NQF 6
The module introduces the student to a broad spectrum of aspects in English study. It aims to develop and provide the student with practice in various writing skills thereby enabling the student to write effectively in various academic disciplines. It promotes the use of critical thinking and serves to develop the skills of analysing, synthesizing, summarizing and reading from a critical perspective.
Prerequisite: Principles of English I
ECN 221 Microeconomics (12 credits) NQF 6
This module is primarily concerned with the study of the economic principles, the specific market environments and it influences business activity. Furthermore, it explores how economic theories are used to explain how people produce and consume. Topics include: scarcity and choice, individual goods and markets and the price mechanism, production possibility curve, opportunity cost, price elasticity of demand and supply, consumer choice theory, production costs, market structures, pure competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, labour markets, income distribution, poverty and discrimination, and environmental economics.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
FNC 387 Business Finance (12 credits) NQF 6
This module introduces the basic concepts and models of modern financial management. Students will learn how financial decisions fit into the world of business, decision-making, and how these choices pose challenges and opportunities for organizations and individuals. Major topics include the time value of money, capital budgeting, the trade-off between risk and return, security valuation, and risk management.
Prerequisites: ACC 156 Business Accounting IB; MTH 122 Business Mathematics; MTH 225 Business Statistics
MGT 207 Business Communication (12 credits) NQF Level 6
The module covers the essentials of effective business communication. It includes the correct language usage required for effective communication, and emphasizes the acceptable formats for different forms of business correspondence. The module also focuses on developing communication ability in interpersonal communication, business presentations, conducting business meetings, and employment communication.
Prerequisite/ Co-requisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
MGT 245 Human Resources Management (12 Credits) NQF 7
This module focuses on the context and functions of personnel administration in the organization; administration and management practices in human resource planning, recruitment, selection, advertising, induction, training and development; administration and management practices of job evaluation, performance appraisal, incentive systems, remuneration systems and compensation policies; management of labour turnover and absenteeism; flexitime administration; administration of social responsibility projects; and personnel audits.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management, PSY 108 Health Psychology, PSY 170 Stress Management
MKT 220 Principles of Marketing (12 Credits) NQF 7
This module emphasizes concepts and issues underlying the modern practice of marketing. The role of marketing in the organization and society is examined. Module content includes marketing concepts, marketing environment customer
relationship, marketing strategy, consumer behaviour, creating value for target customers, advertising and public relationship, direct and online marketing, and creative competitive advantage. The marketing process is analysed through the four main decision areas of products and services, distribution, promotion and pricing.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
REB 217 Values, Character & Personal Enrichment II (8 credits) NQF 5
This module outlines the importance of values and how they are related to character and personal enrichment. These ideas are firstly examined as general concepts and secondly in relation to particular belief systems, specifically in the context of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The module therefore also highlights the distinctive beliefs of Seventh-day Adventism and their practical worth for character development and personal enrichment in both private and public life.
Prerequisite: REB 117 Values, Character &
Personal Enrichment I
ECN 222 Macroeconomics (12 credits) NQF 6
This module is a study of the interface between external economic environment and business. It is also an analysis of national income and expenditure according to both neoclassical and Keynesian theories. Topics include: economic growth, business cycles, inflation, recession and the variables that influence these conditions, money supply, employment and unemployment, gross domestic products, fiscal policy, monetary policy, international trade and finance, economies transition and modern banking systems.
Prerequisite: ECN 221 Microeconomics
LAW 219 Employee Relations Management (12 credits) NQF 7
A study of the theory and practice of Industrial Relations with the focus on: the South African Industrial Relations system, South African labour history, the legislative framework governing the employment relations, the State as an employer, the State as a regulator, Trade Unions and Employer organizations, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, The Labour Relations Act, Employment Equity Act, Skills Development Act, Health and Safety Act, collective bargaining, industrial action, mergers and acquisition, grievance handling procedures, dispute settlement procedures, and discipline and dismissal procedures.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
MGT 230 Project Management (12 credits) NQF 7
This module consists mainly out of three components. The first component covers the theoretical aspects of project management – which is mainly the project management process. An in depth study will also be done on feasibility studies, scope management, the work breakdown structure, time management, the critical path method, risk management, quality management and human resource management. The second component of the module covers a wide range of mathematical calculations used within project management. During this time, the student will learn how to calculate direct costs, indirect costs, material costs, labour costs, of which to name only a few. Determining the cash flow for a project is probably the most important aspect of project management. The third component covers the computer aspect of project management. Students will learn how to use Microsoft Project 2007 in an effective way. This will assist them in the drawing of network diagrams and Gantt charts, and also in determining critical paths and how to draw logical relationships.
Prerequisites: ACC 152 Financial Management MGT 141 Principles of Management; CPT 125 End User Computing II
MGT 238 Supply & Purchase Management (12 credits) NQF 7
This module focuses on the design, analysis, planning and practice of purchasing and supply chain management, with an emphasis on industrial buying behaviour decision-making in purchases, i.e. quality control, source of supply, pricing, legal consideration and standard of performance. Topics covered include: the role of purchasing and supply chain; inventory, logistics, industrial buying behaviour; the purchasing management process; buying business services; contract management for complex projects; designing effective purchasing strategies; outsourcing and strategic alliances; purchasing performance measurements and governance; supply management tools and techniques, and how purchasing and supply professionals can contribute sustainability.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
MTH 225 Business Statistics (12 credits) NQF 6
This module deals with descriptive and inferential statistics as well as probability concepts, normal, binomial, and Poisson distributions, and sampling distributions. It also includes confidence intervals and tests of hypotheses, basic quality control evaluation; time series analysis including trend, seasonal and cyclical computations; and index numbers, linear regression and correlation with an introductory approach to non-linear, multiple, partial and rank correlation. Tools include Chi-Square tests of statistical independence; analysis of variance; simple linear regression and correlation; multiple linear regression; and extrapolative techniques such as moving averages and exponential smoothing. Emphasis is placed on problem definition, construction of statistical models, analysis of data, and the interpretation of results.
Prerequisite: MTH 122 Business Mathematics
MGT 292 Work Integrated Learning: Management (12 credits) NQF 7
This module provides the student with the exposure to practical business situation and gives ‘hands- on’ experience. Furthermore, it provides the students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to real work situations in an organization, thus preparing students to effectively perform job duties. Hence all students in the Faculty of Business are required to engage in Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and gain this useful experience. Areas of exposure should include: front office management, human resources management, purchases and supply management, production department, marketing department, strategic management, quality assurance, and project management.
Prerequisites: A minimum of 48 credits of core modules
MGT 305 Insurance & Risk Management (12 credits) NQF 7
This module deals with risk exposures and how these risks are addressed. Risk management is a life-long process that involves five steps: identification, evaluation, control, financing and monitoring. Risks can be managed with control techniques or can be financed using insurance. The module covers different types of insurance, life, health and disability, and home, property and automobile insurance, and includes methods to calculate insurance needs. Also included is an analysis of business and financial risks and the identification and management thereof. The module will also address quantitative aspects of insurance and risk management.
Prerequisites: MGT 141 Principles of Management; MTH 122 Business Mathematics
MGT 305 Insurance & Risk Management (12 credits) NQF 7
This module deals with risk exposures and how these risks are addressed. Risk management is a life-long process that involves five steps: identification, evaluation, control, financing and monitoring. Risks can be managed with control techniques or can be financed using insurance. The module covers different types of insurance, life, health and disability, and home, property and automobile insurance, and includes methods to calculate insurance needs. Also included is an analysis of business and financial risks and the identification and management thereof. The module will also address quantitative aspects of insurance and risk management.
Prerequisites: MGT 141 Principles of Management; MTH 122 Business Mathematics
MGT 315 Production & Operations Management (16 credits) NQF 7
This module addresses the analysis of problems and issues faced by production/operations managers in manufacturing and service industries. Concepts and techniques include operations scheduling, quantity control, plant layout, facility location, line balancing and queuing theory, production and inventory controls, forecasting and linear programming, supply chain management, and logistics management. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques of operations in management will be covered.
Prerequisites: MGT 141 Principles of Management; MTH 225 Business Statistics
MGT 325 Entrepreneurship (12 credits) NQF 6
Entrepreneurship is the cornerstone of all business activity. This module deals with the principles, processes and management problems of establishing and operating new business ventures and small businesses in relation to the changing business environment and market opportunities in the South African context. Topics covered include new venture management, a procedural system for establishing new businesses, providing physical facilities, financing, organizing, marketing, the management of small business and revitalizing mature/declining organizations.
Prerequisites: MGT 141 Principles of Management; ACC 156 Business Accounting IB; MKT 220 Principles of Marketing
MGT 345 Business Research Methods (12 credits) NQF 7
This module is a study of the principles of business research techniques and methods. The module affords an opportunity to begin with an idea, refine that idea into a research question or statement, and apply the principles of research. It focuses on fundamental philosophies, literature review, research methodologies, and data collection methods. The module also covers qualitative and quantitative data analysis, drawing conclusions, and writing a research proposal.
Prerequisites: A minimum of 48 credits of core modules
MGT 266 Diversity Management (12 credits) NQF 7
Globalisation and the increasing cultural diversity in the workplace require culturally-aware managers in both domestic and international markets. This module analyses the environment which influence diversity management from both domestic and global perspective. Topics include: the challenges of managing diversity, strategy for meeting the challenges, understanding culture, education, the role of leadership in managing diversity, conflict management, problem solving, performance management, global diversity trend assessment, aligning organizational systems and practices to make diversity work, managing global teams, and leveraging diversity.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
MGT 320 Organizational Behaviour (12 credits) NQF 7
This module is a study of the application of behavioural sciences to management and an examination of contemporary theories and principles of human behaviour. Topics include personality, attitudes, motivations, perceptions, communication, team dynamics, decisionmaking, leadership, organisational change, conflict, negotiation and structure. The purpose of the module is the application of this knowledge towards improving an organisation’s effectiveness.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
MGT 359 Business Ethics (12 credits) NQF 7
This module is a study of managerial approaches for operating business ethically, and emphasises business decision-making from an ethical standpoint. It covers ethical issues in business, corporate governance, philosophical approaches to ethics, corporate social responsibility, human rights, ethics in managing business, handling fraud, whistle blowing, code of ethics, ethics training, institutionalizing ethics, and global ethical issues.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
MGT 376 International Management (12 credits) NQF 7
A study of the global environment of business including aspects of the global macroeconomic, political and cultural environments; international competition; and modes of entry into foreign markets. The module also addresses the management of international collaborative initiatives; organizing international perations; multinational corporations’ strategies; international human resources management; and communication, leadership, and motivating human resources across borders and cultures; and finally, managing technology and knowledge across borders.
Prerequisite: MGT 141 Principles of Management
MGT 380 Business Research Project (8 credits) NQF 7
The module emphasizes the application of research techniques and using statistical methods for data analysis. A research project of 10,000 to 12,000 words will be undertaken after the final approval of the research proposal in the area of study. It focuses on data collection, data analysis, testing of hypotheses, drawing conclusions and making recommendations, and writing and presenting the project.
Prerequisites: MGT 141 Principles of Management; MTH 225 Business Statistics; MGT 345 Business Research Methods
MGT 390 Business Strategy (12 credits) NQF 7
This is a capstone module that is designed to develop skills to view a business organization from a top management perspective and provide strategic leadership. This includes, skills to conduct a business environment analysis, identify strategic issues and determine set strategic
direction, generate alternatives and propose a programme or a strategy to address the issues and achieve the strategic goals. Attention is given to developing strategies, matching organizational resources to the strategy, achieving a strategic competitive advantage, and lead the organization to greater heights.
Prerequisites: A minimum of 48 credits of core modules
REB 317 Values, Character, & Personal Enrichment III (8 Credits) NQF 5
This module concerns itself with the values, character development and personal enrichment acquired from studying the life of Jesus as revealed in the Gospels. It begins with a brief geographical and historical overview of the holy land. The module then focuses on the values, character development and personal enrichment enshrined in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. These include the concepts of forgiveness, work ethic and honesty, caring for others, stewardship – caring for the environment, how to deal with stress and discouragement, and servant leadership. Students will also learn from the ultimate sacrifice which Jesus made.
Prerequisite: REB 217 Values, Character, & Personal Enrichment II
ENG 020 Basic English: Language and Vocabulary (20 Credits)
A module to elevate the level of English in general to a point that will enable active participation in, and understanding of college lectures, procedures, and assignments. There will be a focus on so-called academic literacies which will include skills in reading, writing, listening and verbal communication, as well as developing thinking skills. Discussions, research assignments and presentations will aim at the integration of faith as part of the learning experience, by focusing on Bible-based values and SDA beliefs.
MGT 096 Foundation Business Skills (12 credits)
This module serves as an introduction to the business environment, that is, how to create, finance, market, and manage a business. It exposes the student to the basics of economic structures, international trade, entrepreneurship, securities, marketing concepts, management functions, human resources management, information technology, and operations management.
EDU 070 Study Skills (12 Credits)
This module is designed to improve academic study skills and introduce resources that will engender success in college-level courses. Topics include basic study skills, memory techniques, note-taking strategies, test-taking techniques, personal improvement strategies, goal setting, and learning resources. Students are also encouraged to monitor, regulate, and take responsibility for their own learning. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the techniques learned to improve their performance in academic courses.
ENG 082 Academic Language Skills (20 Credits)
The English Academic Language Skills module is meant to direct students towards effective ways of developing their academic language proficiency. The classes will therefore provide the initial opportunities for developing academic language proficiency, but students need to take ultimate responsibility for further growth. The module follows a problem-centred and task-based approach, which means that students learn by:
- Solving real academic problems, and
- Undertaking authentic academic tasks.
ENG 084 Academic Reading Skills (8 Credits)
Academic Reading Skills is a skills-development module designed to develop active reading comprehension, flexible reading rates, and strategies to meet varied purposes for reading. Since the development of skills only increases through repeated practice and application, students should expect to do about three hours of reading a week. Students are taught how to read better by improving control of language (understanding, identifying, analysing, criticising), speeding up their reading, coping with texts and applying strategies for learning. The skills focus is the development of a variety of strategic academic reading techniques. In this manner, the students develop the ability to, amongst other skills, successfully gather and process information, distinguish between thematically relevant and irrelevant information, derive the meaning of ‘unknown’ words by establishing the context based on clues in the text. Suitable, context-specific strategies and methods will be applied in this module.