There are numerious ways to send messages to students, though WhatsApp, email, and directly from SMP.
Direct Email:
Single one-to-one messages are best sent via Email. The Helderberg College Gmail system holds all student and staff members in its database. When you compose an email, typing in the student’s name should auto complete his/her name. If you wish, you can also setup your own Email Groups, and use those to email students from your email.
Student mobile numbers are recorded in SMP. Login to SMP, and search for the particular student under the People menu. With the contact information you can WhatsApp them.
Download Class List with cell numbers, and email address from SMP:
The SMP class list can be downloaded as an Excel file. This can supply a lecturer with the names and email addresses of any student in your class. Please see this guide for more information. This could be used to populate an Email Group.
Using SMP to send a BULK message to the whole class of a module:
The best option for sending bulk messages to all members of a module or class, is to use SMP.
> Login to SMP.
> Navigate to your Modules menu, and choose to View whichever module you wish to upload files to.
> Navigate to Helderberg College > Groups > Choose the group you are lecturing in (most of the time there is only one group).
> Select Options, and then Send Mail.
> An alphabatised list of students in the class appear. If the student list is fine, click the Next button.
> Compose the message you wish to send to the class. You can add attachments by scrolling down the page. Click the Send button when you are complete.
You will not receive any reply emails to your personal HBC email account. Any reply messages will go to your personal SMP inbox, and not your HBC email address. For this reason it is advisable to check your SMP inbox (Check under the “More” menu > Communication).