e-Learning in SMP
If your lecturer uses SMP to upload your class material for you to access, you can use the following steps to get to and download your material / lessons.
1. Log in to SMP (HERE)
If you have forgotten your password you can click on the Forgoto Password? Link, below the blue Log In button, and follow the steps to reset your password
2. Click on the e-Learning tab
3. (1)The materials for the different modules will be under their headings as your lecturer has uploaded them.
(2) The next option will be a sub heading or subject that the lecturer has created and…
(3) the materials are then arranged underneath those headings.
Once you click on the link it will open up all materials that have been uploaded for that heading or subject.
(4) Click on the file and it will download to your device.
4. Clicking on the Green button you can then communicate back or leave a comment to your lecturer.