Follow these steps to add grades to a module

1. Log in to SMP and select My Courses

2. Select the course you would like to add the grades to and select View

3. Make sure the year that you want to add grades to is correct, by selecting it in the top right of the window.

Select the Assessments tab. (If there are no assessments to choose from, then please first follow the instructions here)

Otherwise you can follow the next step

4. Find the section that is marked for Final Grade. Click on the options button at the bottom of the group.

5. Tick the box to allow for file uploads, if the assessment is done online.

6. Please note, if you can’t add any grades then you need permission to do so. Please contact the system administrator.

7. Start capturing the grades for the students in the spaces provided. When done, click on save

8. PLEASE NOTE At this point the students still won’t be able to see their grades. They first need to be published.

9. To publish, click on the options button once again and select Publish Results

10. You can select all or just individual names to publish the results for.