PLEASE NOTE – There are two options for printing grades. The easiest is option 1, directly from your module group. Option 1 requires your grades to be published. (see here) If your grades are not published, then you should use Option 2.
1. Log in to SMP and select My Courses

2. Select the course you would like to print the results of

3. Make sure the year is correct

4. Select the Helderberg College Tab, then Groups and then expand the group that you want to print the assessment of

5. Select Reports and then Assessment Results

6. Now select which format you want the results in. PDF or Excel Spreasheet and click on Print

Another method of printing the assessment results can be done as follows:
1. On the main menu select Reports and uner Reports select Assessment Results By Module

2. Select Helderberg College and then Next

3. Select your intake and then the groups that you want reports for under that. Then select Next

4. Select to include Unpublished marks or not.

5. Choose which format you would like the report published to and select Next

6. Choose if you want the preview the report on screen or if you want to save the file to your hard drive.