Grades are obtained through SMP. Usually grades are added at the end of each semester.

How to obtain your grades:

> Login to SMP

> Click on the Results menu. Some students will have multiple qualification names due to either changing their qualification or being part of an older programme.

  • No. Assess: Number of assessments. Most lecturers do not add any assessments to SMP. Usually there will be only one assessment, which is the Final Grade assessment.
  • Assess. Graded: The number of assessments that have received a grade.
  • Assess. Passed: The number of assessments that the student has been graded and passed.
  • Grade: The percentage mark for that particular module.
  • Credits: The number of credits the module is worth.
  • Result: Once the final grade has been submitted, a symbol for the module will appear here. If the module is not complete, the word incomplete will appear.
  • % Attend.: Attendance register. Some lecturers use the electronic attendance register, and record student attendance for a particular module.

 If you wish to view any assessments that the lecturer may have added, click the + symbol (highligted in red) next to the module.

Each assessment has a weighting %, this refers to how much a particular assessment is worth overall for the semester. An exam is usually 50% of the semester grade. Smaller assessments are anything from 1% to 40% of the final grade.