How to Access Turnitin?

If you are a NEW LECTURER, please contact the IT services department, and we will send you a new instructor creation link to your email. Email for more information.

If you are a RETURNING LECTURER, and have used Turnitin before, you just need to login on the Turnitin main screen. The same link is at the top of the main Helderberg College website or this site.

If you are a returning lecturer, and forgotten your password: Click this link for a guide on how to reset a forgotten password.

Please remember, YOUR TURNITIN PASSWORD IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR EMAIL OR INTERNET PASSWORD. If you choose to make it the same password, that is your choice (not recommended). Any changes you make to your internet and email password will not change your Turnitin password. Your Turnitin password is separate. 

Turnitin Procedures and Recommendations:

The Turnitin software is to be used to facilitate learning, and to promote transparency on how assignments are produced and processed by the students. What is key to the use of Turnitin, is that it provides the students with the opportunity for feedback and review of their assignment with particular reference to correct acknowledgement of sources and referencing.

Once the assignment is submitted to Turnitin, feedback is received in the form of an ‘Originality Report.’ The latter helps the lecturer to locate potential sources of plagiarism, or text which may not have been cited.

  • Lecturers should specify either in the module outline on the assignment list, SMP, or on Moodle; the selected assignments that need to be submitted to Turnitin, before the assignment is handed-in on the due date.
  • Students must submit their assignments to Turnitin before the due date, and receive the ‘originality report.’ Depending on the requirements of the lecturer, this process may be repeated by the student numerous times after they have made the desired adjustments, until the report is satisfactory. The assignment is then downloaded from Turnitin and the assignment and final report is then printed or submitted in electronic form to the lecturer before or on the due date.
  • The similarity index may range from 1% to 25%, though lecturers and students should be aware that submitted assignment below 25% does not necessarily indicate a lack of plagiarism.
  • It is recommended that lecturers utilise the Turninin ‘GradeMark’ section. This will allow for electronic comments and grading to be easily passed onto the student.
  • Should the lecturer have any queries regarding the originality report or not be satisfied with the originality report, he/she may upload the assignment again himself/herself.